Here we are at our first craft fair-- The Pumpkin Festival. From left to right, you see Etsy devotee LHenke: jewelry designer and decoupage mistress of a soon-to-open shop, knitter extraordinairre Lenox of
http://plenox.etsy.com/, and me, GrayEyedScorpio.

Our "booth". We decided to skip the borrowed tent, since few others were bothering with them, and because 20MPH winds were in the forecast. I painted a quick banner on some muslin from a swag that used to hang in my home. Not fancy, but it did the job.
The day was beautiful, but we'll be following Etsy and other blogger's advice by avoiding fairs with food and activities in the future. People simply were not there to shop, and the constant passersby who were smoking really bothered me. Also, I'm worried my merchandise may now carry a faint scent of BBQ smoke from the vendor next door.
All in all, it was good practice and we feel prepared and eager for an "all handmade" fair next time.
It looks like you all had a fun time! Even though the turnout wasn't great you made some great connections!