Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Nancy Pearl is the epitome of a librarian. Really! She even modeled for the librarian action figure! In addition to glamorizing the profession, Ms. Pearl reviews books for NPR, maintains a web site, and wrote Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment, and Reason.

Naturally, I take her recommendations seriously, and I'm so glad she persuaded me to read The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Bates, by E. Lockhart. What a fun read. It's about the adventurous feminist awakening of a smart, but otherwise typical, sophomore boarding school student.

In her acknowledgments, the author thanks John Green (about whom I've slobbered praise in the past) so is it any wonder I'm now planning to read all of Lockhart's books too? And her blog (which makes me so wish I'd gone to the ALA convention in Chicago)!

Some interesting bits of info copied from the author's bio page: (all credit to E. Lockhart: http://e-lockhart.com/main/?page_id=3)
--I used to cry after my fiction writing class in college, because the criticism was so harsh.
--The teacher of that class was so bored by my work he admitted to me he didn’t even read the final drafts of my stories.
--My advice to aspiring writers: read, read, read.
--I am difficult to recognize. Despite a large and unusual tattoo, people often forget they’ve met me, or tell me I look very different from the last time they saw me.

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